Friday, June 1, 2012

Holidays for Twelve Days :D

How I live my days:

  Finally the days are here! The ones every student, more like a caged mice in the prison of CIEs, dreams off. HOLIDAYYYYS!! Even though I have to remind myself that these are just twelve holidays until my next two CIE exams but they feel as rich and delightful as dark chocolate mousse. No stressful days, i can study without my days turning into monotonous schedules of eating, sleeping, studying and laughing less often. And i can blog :D

 I made my blog months ago but haven't had the minutes to blog. My first blogging experience, I have a feeling it's going to be worth it. 

 Back to the holidays. Yaayyyyy! Holidaaayyyyss! I can repeat this over and over and not get tired of it. And after my CIEs finally end on 14th June, i have F.I.F.T.Y days of Summer Holidays. Each one of those fifty days is going to be like the summer days Phineas and Ferb had, only they had 100 days of summer vacations.

My Hopes of a Phineas and Ferb like Summer Vacation :D


Unknown said...

a hundred and four day benny :P

Lubaina E. said...

Oh yeahhhh! A typo i guess :p