I finally get to blog!
The wifi’s not working, so one has to plug in the only net connecting wire in the house to access the World Wide Web.
And with more than a dozen cousins around, that’s IMPOSSIBLE.
Well almost impossible, I just won a war and my booty is getting to use the net.
Of course.
I have cousins of all sizes and ages, and they’re all gathered at my grandmother’s place to spend the summer holidays. And they hoard the net.
My five year old cousin uses facebook too!
So yeah, I being on of the elders usually have to compromise. But then us elder cousins gang up and capture the net, like right now :p
Thus, if you have plans to get together with your cousins; think again. Like the night before last night I was hungry and it was way past midnight.
Just then my brother decided to fry a kebab for himself.
I asked him to make one for me too.
And by some miracle, he agreed!
So here I was happily night-dreaming the taste of kebab on my tongue and the way it will satisfy my rumbling stomach.
Just one Shami KEBAB :D I just realised that most of my posts have food related pictures. Oh well, i get hungry alot :p
Little did I know that getting that kebab made would mark the ‘night’ of Armageddon
(pun intended)
I had the kebab, but just as I was about to put it in my mouth, a cousin looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I felt sorry for him so I gave him the kebab. (First mistake)
Then I staggered to the kitchen to fry a kebab for myself, just then three other cousins entered the kitchen and asked me to fry three extra kebabs for them, so I did. But what’s a kebab without Tomato Ketchup? So I went to get the yummy-licious reddiness leaving the kebabs unguarded. (Second mistake)
On my return I found out to my horror that those three had taken my kebab along with theirs! I raced to where they sat, but my kebab had already visited the insides of their stomach. Cousins! -.-
Then I returned to the kitchen to make another kebab for myself. I fried an extra kebab along with mines in case another cousin turned up to have a kebab. Just then my lil’ cousin was asking my aunt to fry a kebab for him, my kind self butted in and I asked him to take my extra kebab. (Third mistake)
That lil’ person with a bird’s stomach wanted TWO KEBABS!
I just had to be kind -.-
Well then his eyes got teary so I eventually gave up my own kebab too.
And then I made a kebab for myself. AGAIN. FINALLY! :D MY KEBAB! :D
Oh and then I decided to make a kebab sandwich and my toast got burnt. But well, thankfully everybody can make a toast in the toaster :D
So yeah, more than a dozen cousins; think again. I am experienced now.
Fry one kabab for me too.
Oh suuure :D
M back home now so no cousins now :)
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